Thursday 15 March 2012

The tourist side of life

Hello all

Hope all is moving along nicely there! Here all is good and it is getting warmer!

Im sure you all eager to here about Amsterdam... but first I have to tell you about one other thing... the cinema! I went to go watch 2 movies with Geert. What makes it different and so funny is that not only can you buy your snacks before the show (beer is preferable) but you have a button on the small table infront of you that you can push and call someone to get you more!! :-O How insane is that??

Then on Friday we went to Amsterdam! All I can say is that it is nothing like any of the places I have been so far! Its one of the biggest cities here and is very very busy and oh so small!! It takes about 2 hours or so from where we are, by train ofcourse. So we got there and first decided what to do and see. We first walked to the Anne Frank house, but there was a long line so we decided to started with the Heineken Experience, which is a whole tour to see how it is made and where is comes from. It was really cool because it wasnt just a boring walk through tour with a guide, but an interactive experience with different areas and rooms. Also they had a movie about how its made from the inside, but we were standing on a machine that moved as it went and wet us, which was fun. After that we went to Maddam Tussaud, the Dutch version lol. That was really cool to see, you can see on the pics who all I found in there. We then went on a canal tour, because as you know the city is filled with canals that run throughout. ;) The was really nice as we saw a lot of the city and learned a lot about the city and all the old buildings. The modes of transport there are bus, tram, canal boat, ferry, metro and ofcourse the taxi.
When we were done with that it was basically dark, So we had something to eat and then headed to the part you were waiting for... the red light district! ;) We had to find it first lol. It looks like most of the roads in the city, but then it has neon lights all over and girls in the windows. There were also "coffee" shops all over and sex shops too. Its really something to see and is like nothing we know or could have imagined! After that we bought some beer and then went home.

This week I have been by Niek and Marc in Marienberg, just around the corner from Hardenberg. I am staying in my own little house in the forest. ;) It is Marc´s parents holiday house and is a very nice little place. On Tuesday we went to the Zoo in Emmen. It is quite a big one with different areas for each type of animal, with the big main ones in the middle. There were a lot of them, but most I have seen except for the Kangaroo! It was funny to see that between us and the lions there was some thick bulletproof glass! But there was a lot of different and cool animals. You can see them all on the pics. After the Zoo we went to Burger King (first time for me) and then went home. Today did a bit of cycling to explore the area as there are some really old houses here and is popular camping region. We also went to a tower in the forest that allows you to get a nice view of the area.

Tomorrow I am going back to Geert in Hardenberg till Monday when I leave for Barcelona. That should be a nice trip and seems like it will be good weather. Then when Im back it is party time again lol!

Here is the link for the photos:

So enjoy the weekend and I shall post again after Barcelona!


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